A blog about software and making.

Google I/O Extended 2014

I attended the Google I/O Extended conference at Google’s KW location. The main theme this year seemed to be about getting the rest of the world online.

Event Notes

  • Currently there are 2.6 billion people on the internet, but there will be 5 billion in the future.
  • Free and open information access can lead to regime change.
  • +4% GDP due to internet access.
  • It’s not just search. We have to drive the information by making it relevant and fun.
  • Information access -> open communication -> drives change by allowing silent groups to have a voice.
  • ~300 people at the KW office.
  • Most effective ad length on YouTube is 12 seconds maximum.
  • google.com/design - Unified design guidelines that are driven by material design.
  • Minimize interactions with the device by showing relevant data first. Use sensors to understand the user’s current context.
  • Maps Features: Fast, Accurate, Easy
  • One Android SDK for all platforms: TV, phone, car, watch, etc.
  • Chromebook Features: Speed, Simplicity, Security
  • Google Drive encrypts your data in both during transit and storage.
  • Google cloud
    • Allows small teams to run big operations.
    • Cloud.Debug allows live debugging on servers
    • Request tracing to see all service requests
    • Can set custom alerts on metrics
  • Cloud DataFlow
    • Same code for both batch and streaming
    • Parallel data pipelines.
    • One pipeline for both batch (ETL) and streaming (continuous analysis).
  • Blink - Chromes rendering engine
  • Cross Platform Design
    • Link
    • Material Metaphor: Shared experience, Shared knowledge, back story for design, pre-defined information.
    • Ex: Paper has a long history, exists in the world, is tangible.
    • Magical Material - Not for the sake of artifice but for information. Ex: on touch the surface rises to the finger.
    • One typeface with various sizes and weights.
    • Use a color hierarchy to focus the gaze.
    • Material lives at the same scale as the device and expands to fill space.
    • Obey physics so no teleporting.