Thoughts, terms, and ideas I’ve come across over the last few months.
- Mobile experiences fill gaps while we wait. Nobody wants to wait while they wait.
- Preform actions optimistically
- Show +1/Like/Comment before the request is even sent. Show an error if it fails.
- Adaptively pre-load content
- Load data before it’s needed.
- Re-prioritize what to load based on user interest.
- Move bits when no one is watching
- Send contact list while signing in.
- Start uploading files while the user is filling out the details.
- Send data as soon as part of it is ready to go and match it up on the server later.
- Preform actions optimistically
- Code reviews are like having a shared brain.
- Shed load on social media sites by having shorter feeds.
- Achieve loose coupling using notifications, events, signals, etc.
- Project scaling
- Code standards so everything looks the same
- Unit tests and design documents so it’s easy to switch implementations and modify.
- All you need a work priority queue with ideas and bugs.
- Be transparent.
- Don’t be date focused! It’s too idealistic.
- Have short cycles, quick deliverables, and frequent estimates and re-estimates.
- Web crawling techniques
- Start at seed page and recursively follow all/subset of links.
- Identify a pattern in the URL for pages you want. Ex: resource/id/ and check every valid id in range.
- Read the sitemap and choose which links to follow.
- Append only event stores
- Observations about the world are recorded for perpetuity and the results of observations are calculated on demand.
- Example: Changes -> Append to transaction log -> DB is a roll-up view of the changes captured in the transaction log.
- Don’t delete or update anything. Just accrete new knowledge and distil new implications based upon your increasing knowledge.
- It’s like a warehouse. Shipments come in, shipments go out, and at any point, we can check the current inventory levels.