I don’t remember thinking about state very much when I first started programming. It was all a confusing mishmash of heap, stack, classes, inheritance, and other things I’ve probably forgotten.
Slowly over time, a creeping sense of dread began to creep into my mind. There was some outside force affecting my code, an insidious actor corrupting my perfect designs, there was something else here in the room with me. That unnamed thing turned out to be my friend/enemy ‘state’.
These days I think about state all the time. How much of it? How do I update it? Can I recreate it? Do I need to version it? How do I display it? Is it consistent? Where to store it? How do we share it? Can I hide it? And on and on.
It’s the first thing I think about when I’m starting to design something, the last thing I agonize over before go live and usually the first thing to go wrong. ☺